Voter Resources
Make your voice heard by being an educated voter. And vote loud!
Upcoming Elections 2025
March 4: Voter registration closes for deputy registrars
and local election officials
March 16: Last day to register to vote by online
March 17 First day of early voting
March 27: Last day to request a mail ballot, including military and overseas voters
March 31: Last day of early voting
April 1: Last day mail ballots can be postmarked
April 1: Election Day
100% nonpartisan election information powered by the League of Women Voters
Voter Information
General Information
Ways to Vote
Voter Registration
To register to vote, you must be:
A U.S. citizen
At least 18 years old by the general election
A resident of your precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day

Register to Vote​
Identification required:
Online: Illinois driver’s license or state ID
In-person: Two forms of identification with at least one showing your current residence address
By mail: Illinois driver’s license number or state identification card number
If you have neither of those, verification by the last 4 digits of your social security number or a copy of an accepted document (see below) with your name and address.
Acceptable forms of ID include:
Illinois driver’s license
Illinois state ID
Employee or student ID
Credit card
Social security card
Birth certificate
Utility bill in applicant’s name
Mail postmarked to the applicant
Valid U.S. passport
Public aid ID card
Lease or rental contract
Where to Register In Person
Voter Guides for Students and First-Time Voters
Navigating the Election Process for Students & First Time Voters
College Voter Prep Guide
Moved or Changed Your Name?