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League Overview
The League of Women Voters of Glenview-Glencoe is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and seeks to influence public policy through education and advocacy. The League is nonpartisan in that it never supports or opposes candidates or political parties, and political in that it takes action on governmental issues for which positions have been adopted through member study and agreement.
The League is organized to parallel the levels of government: local, county, state, and national. All levels of the League are governed by an elected, volunteer board.
When you join the Glenview-Glencoe League you automatically become a member of the National, IL State, and Cook County Leagues. You will have access to issue and advocacy information, publications, and websites at all levels of the League. Membership is open to all people 16 years and older. Membership dues paid to the local League primarily support the state and national Leagues through Per Member Payments (PMP). Only a small portion of dues is retained at the local level.
How the League Operates:
WE STUDY: Before the League can take action, members must agree in broad terms on what they think about a public policy issue – the League position. Some topics are voted on to be studied more in-depth and a committee is usually established to do the research. After an item is studied, members may take a "position" (through a consensus process) and may undertake "action" regarding that position. Local, State, and National Leagues all adopt programs and positions.
WE TAKE ACTION: After a position is reached on an issue as the result of a study, the League may "take action" to change or enact laws that reflect that position. This action may include:
● monitoring compliance with a law
● writing letters to the editor or elected official, or contacting them by email ● testifying at a committee meeting
● joining or forming a coalition
● joining or initiating court action.
While the effort is political in that it seeks to affect the outcome of legislation or policy, it is non-partisan because it is based on our position and not on party affiliation. The League's political effectiveness rests on its reputation for thorough study followed by action. When members speak for the League, they are speaking from an established League position. Occasionally you will receive a "Time for Action" alert on an issue that is nearing a vote or decision, particularly ones which are hotly contested. It is important to write, email, or call your elected representative when you get such an action alert. At all levels of the League, only the President or its designees are authorized to speak on behalf of the League.
PROGRAM PLANNING is the primary means by which local Leagues set their priorities for the year and the process by which local Leagues help shape the public policy direction of LWVIL (in odd years) and LWVUS (in even years). Two tasks are performed at the annual program planning meeting which is open to the entire membership:
1) Topics for possible study or action at the local, state (in odd years), national (in even years), are suggested and discussed. Through consensus, a recommendation for the local priorities is presented to the membership for approval of the membership at the annual meeting. Local League action or study can commence any time after the annual meeting. Recommended topics that are more appropriate for state or national league action or study are submitted on a form filed in March and are considered by delegates attending the June LWVIL convention (in odd years), or the June LWVUS convention (in even years).
2) Members review and approve/disapprove retention of local, state (in odd years), or national (in even years) policy positions, both for continued relevance and because conditions might have changed which necessitates an update to a position.
League observers attend meetings of public bodies and monitor how the laws and policies are being carried out. The observer does not speak at these meetings but reports back to the League membership. The Glenview Observer Corps meets on the third or fourth Saturday of the month. The Northbrook Observer Corps submits reports but does not meet as a collective. Glencoe members are encouraged to form Observer Corps in its community.
Voter Service
The League encourages citizens to register, vote, and participate in government. We provide unbiased, factual information about voting procedures, candidates, and ballot issues. Leagues host forums and debates, as well as provide voter guides for citizens to make informed decisions.
What We Do
● LWV helps voters
● LWV encourages involvement of all citizens
● LWV represents the public
● LWV works to stimulate long-range cooperative planning for our member communities
● LWV works to improve our schools and the lives of children
● LWV works to protect the environment
● LWV speaks out on tough problems
Board Meetings
Ten regular Board Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (No August or December meetings). Members are welcome to attend.

Our Mission
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