Joining the League of Women Voters is a great way to get involved in your community
and play an active role in our democracy.
Join or Renew
Thank you for joining or renewing your membership in the League of Women Voters of Glenview-Glencoe.
This link will take you to the League of Women Voters Membership page for our league.
The membership page is managed by the League of Women Voters United States (LWVUS).
Membership FAQ
​Learn more about League Membership
Dues Rate
Dues will be pay-what-you-can. The recommended dues rate will be $75, but you can pay any amount more than that, or any amount less than that to a minimum of $20.
Note: 20% of dues will go to the local League, 47% will go to the state League, and 33% will go to LWVUS.
League membership lasts for 12 months and you will be reminded to join before your membership expires.
Additional Contribution for the Local League
On the page after you choose your dues rate, there will be an option to make a contribution directly to your local League. 100% of that donation will go to your League. These contributions help our league finance a variety of projects. Thank you in advance for your additional contribution. Every dollar helps!
Payment Options
The preferred payment method is ACH, which is an electronic payment method that just requires typing in the numbers at the bottom of a check. This is preferred because it has the lowest fees and maximizes the amount of money going toward League work.
The secondary option is to pay online by credit/debit card. It will also still be possible to pay by check as needed.
The third and least preferred method is to pay by check. If you need to pay by check, the check should be made out to LWVUS and given to your League’s treasurer or mail it to League of Women Voters of Glenview-Glenco, PO Box 2393, Glenview, IL 60025.
Membership Types
There are a couple of changes in membership types;.
There are no household memberships. You can still sign up for yourself and someone else, but it’s not designated as a household membership anymore. The recommended dues rate will be $150 (the individual recommended rate times two) and the minimum rate will be $40 (the minimum rate times two), but as with individuals, you can choose any amount, including the current household rate at your League.
There are no student memberships. The pay-what-you-can model is intended to extend the understanding of possible financial need to all members, including students.
There are still lifetime memberships. Those who have been members for 50 or more years will still be exempt from dues.