"How To" Guide to Civic Engagement: Glenview
The League of Women Voters of Glenview-Glencoe offers this guide as a way to introduce Glenview residents to local government. Our goal is to educate residents about the many government entities that impact daily life in Glenview and how to interact with them. For example, in this guide, you will learn the answer to these questions:
How do you speak at a Village Commission or Board of Trustees meeting to address an issue of concern?
How are the Library Board and Park District Board different from the Village Board?
How do you run for local office or Board?
How does the Village use your property taxes?
We hope this guide serves as a useful tool that encourages all Glenview residents to become more engaged with local civic life.
Section 1: Local Government. It Matters
Section 2: A Roadmap to Civic Engagement
Section 3: The Village of Glenview
Section 4: Advocating for Your Issue
Section 5: Taking the Plunge: Becoming an Elected or Appointed Official
Section 6: Watching the Dollars: Glenview Finances
Section 7: Beyond the Village: Other Units of Local Government
Section 8: Cook County Government
Section 9: Beyond Local Government: State and Federal Representatives
Section 10: Your Most Important Responsibility: Vote!
Appendix A: A Closer Look at Your Property Taxes